Friday, October 14, 2005

Article Published

Last Friday, my article was published in Metropolis magazine. This is a free magazine, and widely distributed in English speaking communities in Japan. You can find some copies at the hotel, embassy, foreign bookshop, and record shop in Tokyo, Yokohama, Osaka, Nagoya, Kyoto, and Kobe.

The article is based on my post, “A Review of VJ Day: Has Japan Really Been Born Again?”.

Please see the following link.

You can see other interesting articles by foreign writers in Japan when you see this site.

I have written the following articles before.

Metropolis will be a very helpful source of daily life information in Tokyo. When you visit there, I recommend you to take a copy at the hotel.


Always On Watch said...

Congratulations on the publication of your article!

Σ. Alexander said...

Thank you. Other authors write interesting articles to Metropolis. They have various backgrounds, including journalist, politician, college professor, and even street entertainer. Mostly foreigners, and some Japanese.

Always On Watch said...

I just now found time to read the article. I know little about Japan, but thanks to your article, I know more now. I believe that Japan is America's ally and that Japan should step forward even more to become more integrated into the freedom-loving community of nations.

Good article!

Σ. Alexander said...

Thank you. The end of the Cold War, war on terror, domestic reforms....., the world stands at the crossroads now.

Some essays in Metropolis magazine tell daily life and popular culture in Japan, mostly from foreigners' viewpoint. It may be some relax to you.

LA Sunset said...

Outstanding, Shah. Keep up the good work. I have been busier than usual and haven't been able to make the rounds, but I always get around to it eventually. And I always enjoy reading one of your pieces.

Σ. Alexander said...

Thank you. I have replied to comments to the linked article yesterday. It was enjoyable, though some comments were critical to me.

Anonymous said...

Good morning Shah Alexander, I find it quite refreshing to occasionally find a post such as yours with a different topic completely. It somehow ads to ones little list of lifes experiences.

I seem to have a soft spot for blogs related to free articles and /or sites that have a central theme around free articles type items. I guess this comes from being a webmaster as well.

Once again Shah Alexander, thank you, hope you don't mind if I visit again next month.